After the battle, Hyakkimaru is temporarily trapped by barriers set up by the "nine-tailed fox".
Although most resist their attraction, one woman is eventually lured away and temporarily trapped by them.
During the trip, the heroes are temporarily trapped under the frozen River Styx.
Five of the occupants had been temporarily trapped in the pilot house, after the vessel capsized.
Temporarily trapped outside the port Ganteaume reluctantly prepared for battle as Cotton's force approached.
The rains also knocked out telephone lines in Uvalde County, and temporarily trapped hundreds of scouts.
The truck driver was temporarily trapped in his vehicle.
Office workers emptied into the streets when the lights went out, while some people were temporarily trapped in elevators.
Gillard and Abbott were temporarily trapped when around 100 protesters surrounded the venue.
Forced to seek refuge in a downtown hotel, the Schers soon found themselves temporarily trapped by floodwaters without electricity or cellphone service.