At that moment, however, that fine intelligence was in temporary abeyance.
Branson's voice was a shout, his normal monolithic cairn in at least temporary abeyance.
On his premature death at the age of 15 his title went into temporary abeyance until claimed by his great-uncle Richard Verney in 1695.
To soldiers, military service was a voluntary, negotiated, and temporary abeyance of self-governance by which they signaled their responsibility as citizens.
Albert was in temporary abeyance, but Tuppence went herself to the stationer's to make quite sure that nothing had come for her.
It would have been untrue to say that Agnelli was discomfited, but his ebullience was in temporary abeyance.
Until late January, when Global Crossing's bankruptcy filing put the Pentagon contract decision in temporary abeyance, the company was again considered the front-runner.
Affairs at Upper Beechview were in temporary abeyance.
Like the younger nurse, she was much given to smiling: like her, the smile was in temporary abeyance.
The efforts of the agents were in temporary abeyance.