Still watching the trail, he took off the temporary and bloody bandage and replaced it with a new one.
A temporary bandage covered the bleeding wound in his thigh where a spent bullet had buried itself in the flesh.
Even so, there were hundreds waiting, with temporary bandages covering scar tissue, gashes, and sometimes even the stumps of lost limbs.
Behind the temporary bandage, Eduin began weaving together the tiny fibrous threads that made up the wall of the blood vessel.
Alex efficiently rolled back his coat, then turned a handkerchief into a temporary bandage.
Kaye stripped off his woolen vest to drape over Keafs shoulders, and Dellawynn added her scarf to the temporary bandage.
In other words as usual the political elite have not come up with a lasting solution, just another temporary bandage again to see them though into the new year.
After examining Nelson, the surgeon pronounced the wound non-threatening and applied a temporary bandage.
While facing the Bulls (16-42) may offer a temporary bandage for their wounded egos, the Nets must raise their level of play significantly to enjoy a successful March.
He cut strips from the sergeant's uniform for temporary bandages.