The party still viewed partition as a temporary detour on the road to a binational state.
These numbers were temporary detours on the road to consummation.
As a result, a temporary one-lane detour was constructed.
Recessions for Japan were once merely temporary detours on the road to rapid growth.
In the restitution narrative, the person sees the illness as a temporary detour.
It was to be a temporary detour, until he and another bright young star cooked up a little idea that quickly grew big.
A temporary detour led through a wide-beam barge lock normally reserved for larger craft.
"Certainly his supporters say he is the same reformer he once was, that this is only a temporary detour," Mr. Nixon said.
Reader returned to Scotland, but before she embarked on her solo career she took a temporary detour into acting.
Instead, they had told the convict passengers, the Santa Maria was going to take a temporary detour to rendezvous with a space station orbiting Mars.