Over time the upland communities, which had originally been temporary outposts connected to summer agricultural activity (transhumance), became distinct, permanent settlements.
Today the archeological artifacts of temporary human outposts lay untouched on the surface of the moon.
Now to Queens: I thought of all this on Saturday during a casual visit to the temporary outpost of the Museum of Modern Art there, in Long Island City.
Naranarayan agreed and temporary Mughal outposts and watch towers were established at Bargachhia, Krishnanagar near Khanakul and Dilakash, on the Ron.
This festival makes Westchester County a temporary outpost of the Gulf Coast, with a lineup featuring musicians from Louisiana.
Virginia Antiques, a vintage couture shop on London's Portland Road, will set up a temporary outpost.
A small building was built on the island, by the University of Panama, to act as a temporary outpost for the biologist.
Anyone who has seen the settlement network will know that it is not simply a few temporary outposts like those evacuated by the Israeli government in the past few months as a means of gaining some international support.
The Army designated the cantonment as Fort Gibson in 1832, reflecting its change from a temporary outpost to a semi-permanent garrison.
This all took place at Wohelo, a nearly century-old summer camp for girls that for six weeks beginning in early May becomes a temporary outpost of the University of Michigan.