Glen Campbell was called in as his temporary stand-in for live performances, before Bruce Johnston replaced him.
In February 1972, Thomson auditioned for Supertramp, and ended up playing several gigs as a temporary stand-in.
Gorana Čehić kept insisting that she would stay on in the group, so Nataša Veljak was engaged only as a temporary stand-in, until Gorana's return.
Yet models are only temporary stand-ins for "Citizen Kane" 's girl in the white dress or van Noten's American girl in the red one.
The dilemma is that for Mr. Powers to serve as Mr. Giuliani's temporary stand-in, he must be called deputy mayor, according to the City Charter.
Bardot donning a black wig seems a temporary stand-in for both Penelope and Karina.
His four-door Dodge, the Firebird's temporary stand-in, made a perfect match for all the other family sedans around him.
It's so filthy that the Republican caucus couldn't even find someone clean to name as Mr. DeLay's "temporary" stand-in as House majority leader last week.
A placeholder candidate is used in politics as a temporary stand-in for ballot access petitioning purposes until the actual nominees are decided.
These decisions would be worrying enough under normal circumstances but they become alarming when they are taken by people who are merely temporary stand-ins.