Mr. Bush has been consistently worried about trade and at one point put temporary tariffs on a number of nations that export steel to the United States.
He pursued expanded trade with other nations, but he also imposed temporary tariffs on imported steel.
Korea could however, impose temporary tariffs if there was a surge of U.S. beef imports above specified levels.
At best that means tight budgets, high interest rates and temporary tariffs to discourage imports of consumer goods.
So this time Mr. Bush chose another route, invoking a provision that allows a temporary tariff "safeguard" for three years.
The temporary tariffs of 8-30% were originally scheduled to remain in effect until 2005.
But it also made permanent some stiff temporary tariffs on corrosion-resistant steel used for household appliances and for car and truck body panels.
She said Mr. O'Neill supported temporary tariffs that would give the industry time to slim down and become globally competitive.
Now, after a remarkable revival aided by temporary tariffs against foreign competitors, it is enjoying soaring profits and strong demand for its motorcycles.
Another instance which may be recalled is the temporary tariff on drugs that Russia has imposed on EU exporters.