A few hours later, we were unwinding in a hot tub overlooking the mountain-ringed lake, perusing a tempting menu and building a fire in our bedroom.
Check out Rick Stein's favourite, Karachi in the West End, or wander down Leeds Road and take your pick from the tempting menus on display.
Two tempting menus are drawn from the a la carte offerings.
"It is a tempting menu," Tad agreed.
Grammars are now presented as just one element in a tempting menu of parental choice, their middle-class base very cleverly played down.
The Tavern, with its informal, dark and cozy rooms and covered deck has a short, tempting, moderate-priced menu of fresh and lively combinations of modern American dishes.
A tempting menu of at least 12 regulatory models has been presented.
There's an incredibly tempting menu that includes lamb shank, smoked duck and blackened barramundi (160,000d) as well as more inexpensive pasta dishes.
In addition to a tempting regular menu, there are nightly specials, which make decisions ever more difficult.
Whether it's for a relaxing drink or a three course meal, before or after the show, choose from our tempting menu and fine wine list.