The closure of the hospitals has proved too tempting an opportunity to be missed by the cost-cutting Right.
Other Democrats were readjusting their political lenses, suddenly seeing tempting opportunities for Federal and state candidates.
His Revlon move is also mystifying because he has so many other more tempting opportunities these days.
A tempting opportunity, maybe, but term limits are a frighteningly popular delusion.
They provide too tempting an opportunity for influence-seeking special interests to get around Federal limits on giving directly to candidates.
"Bruenor," Drizzt called softly, wondering if he had done right in presenting the dwarf with such a tempting opportunity.
We have been, with him, more than once on campaign, when he has had opportunity, ample and tempting opportunity, to be faithless.
They would have presented a tempting opportunity for the imperialistic dreams of established nations.
At the same point in his life, he sees a tempting opportunity when the gardener appears outside.
Organic production may offer very tempting opportunities, especially in the regions with the harshest natural conditions.