Following over two months in Sausalito, Fleetwood arranged a ten-day tour to give the band a break and fan feedback.
They were on a ten-day tour of Egypt organized by JTB Corporation.
A ten-day tour starts at about $400 a day per person and can go much higher - easily $1,000 a day.
The Royal couple are on the last leg of a ten-day tour of South America.
Students were able to reach the great cultural attractions of Europe by train and bus, with a ten-day continental tour during the spring.
Later that summer Ruhiyyih Khanum visited Uganda on a ten-day tour.
Since 1992, one-day, five-day and ten-day tours have been conducted between China and North Korea.
After promoting the album in the Netherlands, the band again headed to the UK to successfully complete a ten-day tour throughout the country.
In June 1978, Muhammad Ali went on a ten-day tour of the Soviet Union.
Soundgarden took a break in the middle of recording to open for Neil Young on a ten-day tour of the United States.