The Factory Act of 1833 had not established the ten-hour day.
Lord Moulton worked a ten-hour day and took less than ten days holiday throughout the entire four years of the war.
Employees would more easily be able to work four ten-hour days per week.
Most of the men worked ten-hour days covered in grease and fuels.
We had a ten-hour day yesterday with the bikes.
Workers worked six ten-hour days a week with an hour off for lunch.
Next you'll be telling me that men were better off with a ten-hour day and a six-day week.
Women and children in England were granted the ten-hour day in 1847.
I was paid five cents an hour for a ten-hour day.
After being paid $1.25 per ten-hour day since their job began, they struck for $1.75 and rejected a compromise offer of $1.40.