It was torn down in November 1976, after a ten-year battle to save it.
Landreville waged a ten-year legal battle to have the pension offer honoured, and was finally offered $250,000.
A ten-year battle involved academics in Australia and overseas.
He died on 18 June 2009 after a ten-year long battle with cancer.
Delegall died on March 21, 2006 in Venice, California after fighting a ten-year battle with prostate cancer.
He died on July 8, 2006, after a ten-year battle with colon cancer.
Bondholders residing in the Logansport area, in outage, began a ten-year legal battle.
His wife died in 1995 after a ten-year battle with lung disease.
Constance Lowell, Percival's widow had a ten-year long legal battle for Percival's estate.
She died in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, aged 51, after a ten-year battle with ovarian cancer.