In addition, over a ten-year span, prosecution recommendations have increased 46 percent to a total of 3701 for fiscal year 2012.
Ohio State would finish unranked for the only time in the ten-year span.
The Wranglers have won many accolades over their ten-year span.
No, we age, but only within a ten-year span after our first Incarnation is achieved.
We're talking about a ten-year span and they all were given the same prescription by the same doctor.
Initially and in the ten-year span from 1980 to 1989, such personalities received awards for their life-time accomplishments.
Lemon retired in 1958 with 207 wins, all but ten of them occurring in a ten-year span.
Boston is the only city ever to have championships in all four major professional leagues within a ten-year span.
All of the Redskins' league titles were attained during two ten-year spans.
Throughout the ten-year span in which the association lasted, five leading members contributed to this goal.