The tenants recently entered into an agreement with a developer who wants to renovate the buildings with private money.
The provision, Lieutenant Filostrat said, applies regardless of whether the house or apartment was rented before or after the tenant entered military service.
A result of landlord-tenant proceedings is that, once a city marshal has executed the warrant of eviction (changed the locks), a tenant may enter only by the grace of the landlord or court order.
But there are rumblings in the trade about rising rent arrears, as cuts bite and tenants enter the rental market already in financial problems, often from a property purchase that's gone wrong.
But in New York, tenants and apartment owners rarely enter buildings expecting a welcome wagon.
Letting agents and tenants must enter on form NRLQ:
The tenant however entered into possession and paid the yearly rent of £30 reserved by the agreement.
At the same time, pent-up demand stemming from the recession was released, and more tenants entered the market.
They are subject to change as new tenants enter and as existing tenants vacate or are relocated with the ongoing enhancement works at Northpoint.
"Electricity redistribution is a murky area and some tenants enter into leases without realizing how unpredictable their energy costs may be over the long term."