She also said that other tenants had received similar notices.
The Raths said that tenants received payments of $10,000 to $240,000.
Also, some tenants with low incomes receive rental assistance that would pay for the increase.
Each tenant received two shillings a week, enough to sustain her.
The tenant claimed £1,932 in compensation, and actually received £1,720.
If your tenants are receiving benefits, you may be eligible for grant funding to support this.
She said that all the tenants in question should receive at least some money because "they were denied a civil right."
On March 29, 1998, the tenants received a loan for $365,000 - the amount needed to buy the building and restore it.
He said that during the same period 30 to 40 other tenants received similar concessions.
Some tenants are so poor that they not only pay nothing, but receive a check each month from their landlord.