In the past, tenants shared the electrical and mechanical systems installed by a landlord in a building.
Other times, tenants will only share an entrance hallway with doors that go to many apartments.
Where the tenant shared some living accommodation with persons other than the landlord, it applied the Rent Acts to the contract.
Many of the rent-regulated rooms in older hotels do not have their own bathrooms; the tenants must share one down the hall with other residents.
Each resident has a private bedroom but the rooms are clustered in suites of three, so tenants share a kitchen, living room and bathroom.
In 1947 Internazionale became tenants and the two have shared the ground ever since.
Owner, tenant and Showhomes share insurance costs.
Income tax codes often provide benefits for houses, and rent control allows tenants to share in some of those benefits.
The Joint Office is about more than shared facilities; its tenants also have shared interests.
One tenant had shared the cabin with him, that tenant his responsibility.