It had a population of about 1000 people, who tended farms and livestock.
But abandoning the plow gave farmers time for other tasks, from tending livestock to planting more acreage.
Most people here spend their time tending gardens or livestock.
His head was shaved and he was sent to the countryside to tend livestock.
Women were taught how to look after children, care for their homes, make clothing for her family, and tend livestock.
As a result, the traditional division of work was ignored: women were no longer tending livestock and the men guarded their herds with weapons.
Generations of Ms. Jibutsima's family have tended livestock on these same prairies.
He grew up tending livestock on his father's farm.
Just as it would be an affront to ours to tend livestock.
Rashbam earned a living by tending livestock and growing grapes, following in his family tradition.