For once, the lines they tended through holes in the ice had brought them a full stringer.
Investors tended to do better in the past, with average annual returns from 1960 through 1991 of 10.7 percent.
Accordingly, we appointed men to tend the fires through the night just to make certain they did not falter.
Later, the children plant their seeds, tend them through the growing season, harvest the crops, and finally, put the gardens to bed in the fall.
Ishihara sat against a tree trunk, ready to tend the' fire through the night.
The plants are tended in part by a robot that rides through the complex on rails.
She tended him through his illness, she and her household.
They tend him through the night, and he wakes at dawn.
You want decent barbecue, you start at least a day before, and tend it all through the night.
You have to admire a 16-piece band that tends to parade through a club at the end of a set.