They tenderly carried Steengo to a couch where another woman, dressed in white, ministered to him.
She was coming happily back through the forest, crooning softly to a bundle she was carrying tenderly in her arms.
A few moments later, Bruenor's retreat route intersected with that of the dwarves fleeing the ledge, dwarves who carried Catti-brie tenderly in their arms.
She goes up to the fallen hero and taking him in her arms tenderly carries him off the stage.
Elizabeth greeted him but Roger merely looked through her as he tenderly carried Brian's body upstairs and locked himself in a room.
With one hand she pressed together the huge jaws of the tiger, picked him up, and, cradling him in her arms, tenderly carried him back to the cage, singing a little song.
From a closet he tenderly carried a shrouded object that made a double armful and laid it on his workbench.
To spare him the sight, the other men quickly and tenderly carried him-the upper half of him-some distance away, and leaned him against the quarry wall.
Every cart in Arton's army was laden for the return; the young men tenderly carried stretch- ers.
The team argued about it as they tenderly carried their space-suited bodies back to Goethe base.