This year's physical was delayed several months while Mr. Clinton recovered from his tendon surgery.
She underwent a significant operation in 2005, having tendon surgery in both knees, and she did not return to full fitness until 2007.
In 1989, he underwent Achilles tendon surgery and his career went downhill.
I've been bothered by gunshot wounds, tendon surgery - the hunting accident in '87, I was two years away from cycling.
Hawkins was still running and still winning until Achilles' tendon surgery ended her competitive career.
Pernfors missed about two years of play and underwent Achilles' tendon surgery in 1990.
Kuha's top season ended to Achilles tendon surgery in 1969.
He told us he was recovering from tendon surgery.
The differences in age and activity levels of participants can make it difficult to determine if Achilles tendon surgery is effective.
In June, Hilliard underwent tendon surgery on his right big toe.