If Iraq concludes otherwise, the stage would be set for another tense confrontation.
Outside Brabantio's house an argument is taking place that's just a small sample of many tense confrontations to come.
To her chagrin, both men show up in time for dessert, sparking a tense confrontation.
After a tense confrontation, she said she left at the request of the police.
For now, a tense confrontation may still loom ahead.
After a tense 10-hour confrontation between his supporters and the police, the colonel was detained.
His statements preceded a tense confrontation between lawyers for the Government and for the defense.
Despite months of tense confrontations with firefighters, a solution to this situation is quickly negotiated.
The two men's mutual loathing results in a tense confrontation.
The soldier who died was shot in the head, apparently by accidental friendly fire, during a tense confrontation.