To begin with, all present tense verbs in all persons end in as.
One (singular) in 6 achieves (3rd person singular form of present tense verb).
This rule is commonly and informally referred to "first taught," the result of players creating another past tense verb for "touch."
It also usually indicates English third person present tense verbs.
By extension, the final -l in past tense verbs is often rendered -u.
"Now that he's got vocabulary and syntax, he complains because he only has present tense verbs!"
Two of the four decks feature present tense Latin verbs forms that the student must translate while playing the game.
The present tense verb is not marked overtly in Kriol.
"Which was unclear, the pronoun or the past tense verb?"
Those include inflections for present, past, or future tense verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and possessives.