The tensions between them soar while their soldiers become desperate with hunger, as the 6th Army is ordered to hold on.
However these talks came to an abrupt halt when communal tensions soared following the July 2006 train bombings in Mumbai that left more than 200 people dead.
As Schaad lay dying, racial tension soared in the city.
After their fourth successful challenge, tensions soared amongst Raituhn.
Now the tension in the Washington control center soared.
But now, tensions, always at a high, had soared after the murder of Charlie Emathla.
By dark, tensions had soared throughout the city.
In some communities, tensions have soared over day labor sites, with complaints that the workers interrupt traffic, block sidewalks, trespass on store property and litter.
Tori stood up, and she felt his tension soar.
But tensions soared in the crowded quarters, and on Dec. 15, Williams and her kids entered the shelter system.