Camel transport operators quickly established themselves here, many living in a tent settlement at the end of Coolgardie Street.
Visit to the Tents Mr. Bush also stopped at the first of the tent settlements that had been built by the military.
It followed a preliminary tent settlement some 3 miles west at Cutler's Park.
He also visited hospitals and tent settlements set up for the displaced.
On the screen by the bed jiggled images of a small tent settlement, after dark.
With the original tent settlement being very close to the mine, it was very hard to escape the fine dust generated.
By early tonight the number was 315, with perhaps 50 other people at a second tent settlement in the adjacent town of Florida City.
Sydney was a tent settlement.
He saw what looked like a tent settlement directly ahead and wanted to pull up to avoid them, but he had to stay low.
Discharged plantation workers camp in plastic tent settlements on the edges of state highways.