A tentative estimate for the value of this bonus award is £3,000-10,000 per student.
No total body size estimates for Bruhathkayosaurus have been published, but paleontologists and researchers have posted tentative estimates on the Internet.
His tentative estimate for 1989 calls for profits to advance between 15 percent and 18 percent.
Endelmyer put the prospect, along with tentative estimates of what it would take to make the project fly, to the Board.
A "tentative" estimate of the doses involved was made in 1948, based on dozens of assumptions, some of which are now known to be grossly incorrect.
The cost of the second variant was more uncertain, but tentative estimates were $90,000 per unit or more.
His tentative estimate for 1989 is $5.50 a share.
Again, Ruth gave voice to his own tentative estimate.
That confirmed his tentative estimate that the Marine officer was a master of the martial arts.
He also projects earnings at $5.25 a share for this year and carries a tentative estimate of $6.40 a share for the next year.