Mr. Vallone received tentative support yesterday from at least one fiscal monitor.
(His aides say that the measure he offered tentative support to then was quite different from the current bill.)
The plan, by the city's Department of Transportation, has tentative support from the business groups who blocked past proposals that were much more ambitious.
Originally opposed to the idea, Qarase later voiced tentative support.
But the fund itself has also been criticized for its seemingly tentative support of reform efforts.
Positive psychological interventions now have received tentative support for their beneficial effects on clients.
Changes in accounting rules for nonprofit institutions received tentative support from the profession's rule-making body.
Such tentative support does not faze the hard-core proponents of sovereignty.
"We must therefore win over both of the undecided judges and lose none of the tentative support we've counted on."
He gave the agreement tentative support despite policy weaknesses and called for withdrawing the ballot initiative for the following year.