He found a tenuous control of his voice.
If she hadn't been crying just a few minutes ago, he might have lost his tenuous control on his temper.
She had gained a tenuous control when at last her eyelids fluttered up once more.
His tenuous control last night gave the Marlins the opening they needed to stop their four-game losing streak.
It is true that we are in only tenuous control on Chanchuk at the moment.
The authorities seem to have exerted only tenuous control over this town of 20,000, whose history dates to biblical times.
Trying it now, in an alien body over which he held only tenuous control, seemed uncomfortably close to suicide.
That was all it took to shake his tenuous control.
Despite a tense moment when their former guide shows up and denounces them, Chris maintains a tenuous control of the situation.
In Westchester, the Democrats hope to keep their tenuous control of county government.