A few hours spent with 15 police units around the city show that much police work is only tenuously connected to the world of crime.
The words have taken on a life of their own - sometimes only tenuously connected to how people live, what they must fear, what they can hope.
Like the swallow factories, they too are only tenuously connected to this place.
But a story so old, and so tenuously connected to Dean's own actions, didn't need to shout.
But in astral form you are connected only tenuously to these emotions.
There's always some background thinking, tenuously connected to a curious exhibit [...] I feel sure she's got an interesting mind.
They are medleys of poems tenuously connected by action, or by mere narration, based on events in the lives of the poets.
His observations have a way of becoming long-running monologues, sometimes very tenuously connected to the caller's original question.
The Southern Aral Sea had split into eastern and western lobes that remained tenuously connected at both ends.
But a few hours spent on Tuesday morning with 15 police units shows that much police work is only tenuously connected to the world of crime.