Currently, there are 1090 students with over 50 full-time tenured, or tenure-track faculty with an average student ratio of 21:1.
She joined the tenure-track faculty at Georgetown Law in 1997.
The union said it did not have the data to measure what portion of an average undergraduate's classes is taught by tenure-track faculty.
This plan was recently expanded to provide for the hiring of an additional 300 tenure and tenure-track faculty in interdisciplinary fields.
Almost all of the faculty's tenure-track faculty hold terminal degrees.
About 98% of tenure-track faculty hold the highest possible degrees in their fields.
Tenured or tenure-track faculty are 37 percent of color.
The student-faculty ratio is 16:1 and 100% of the school's tenure-track faculty hold tertiary degrees.
"That's where the critical shortage is: full-time, tenure-track faculty."
Many don t have the support that the tenure-track faculty have, in terms of offices, secretarial help and time.