He is a full-time, tenure-track professor at Santa Monica College, where he is the head of film production.
Dr. Davis joined the Adelphi faculty in 1999 as a tenure-track professor and was appointed director of the nurse practitioner program in 2001.
MacWhinney was hired for his first full-time academic position in 1974 as a tenure-track professor of psychology at the University of Denver.
Then, promotion to the rank of Associate Professor usually indicates that a tenure-track professor has been granted tenure at the institution.
Upon completing his fellowship, in 2008, Cohen became a tenure-track professor at Harvard Law School.
The WAC director, at most universities, is a tenure-track professor.
She taught at Amherst College and Tufts University before becoming a tenure-track professor at Fordham University.
Before joining MIT as a tenure-track professor, Madden held a post-doc position at Intel's Berkeley Research center.
Before joining Berkeley as a tenure-track professor, he held a post-doc position at MIT.
But he opted to return to school, earning a doctorate at Harvard Business School, where he is now a tenure-track professor.