I.B.M.'s large software business had a tepid performance, with a decline in sales of about 3 percent in the quarter.
They think that its tepid performance stems not just from shocks but also from structural factors, like the vast amounts of debt carried by consumers and businesses.
But Mr. Sharansky was less forthcoming about the tepid performance predicted for the Israeli economy in 1997 and 1998.
That car sold poorly because of its tepid performance, lack of personality and hefty sticker price.
The economy's tepid performance has been made worse by falling prices, which erode profits and make debts more burdensome.
Philanthropy professionals trace charity's tepid performance in Los Angeles to several factors.
After the fact, Japan's tepid economic performance seems no great surprise.
Mr. Vlasov took himself out of the running last week after he was sharply criticized for a tepid performance in defense of government policies.
Reports of dispiritedness from within the orchestra go a long way toward explaining any number of tepid performances this reviewer has heard over the last dozen years.
But after five years of tepid performance, it is so far not a promising one.