Despite the market's tepid reaction to its deal, Phycor's ambitious expansion has thrown a spotlight on this portion of the health care market.
Consider the market's typically tepid reaction when a company says it will be repurchasing its stock on the open market.
The Streak 7 received a tepid reaction from one reviewer due to its poor display and software bugs/glitches at launch.
Ravenswood Winery, the first company whose stock was auctioned this way, got a tepid reaction from investors.
The Clinton budget drew a tepid reaction from environmental groups.
The album was released one week and three days later on October 7 to tepid critical reactions.
Remember the tepid reaction to the iPad when it was revealed?
Apple was just as surprised to the tepid reaction people were tepid to the product reveal.
I have not met anyone yet who had a tepid reaction.
Yet behind the wheel, I was surprised at the relatively tepid reaction it received on the streets.