Today, it settled on rates just shy of 20 percent for bonds with terms of 91 days, six months and a year.
The insurance is generally good for sales on terms of up to 180 days, although 360-day policies are also available under exceptional circumstances.
The authorities set a term of only three days to exchange the copper coins at the old rate against more stable gold or silver money.
Interest is paid gross to all customers investing £50,000 or more for a fixed term of at least seven days.
The measure excludes debt that has an original term of less than 100 days.
The $2 billion had a term of just 90 days and Mexico had extended it several times.
His second term of 16 years, one month and seven days is far and away the longest unbroken tenure in that office.
Nearly 400 defendants received terms of less than 15 days.
His term of five days stands as the shortest for any governor in South Carolina.
In connection therewith many other regulations are enumerated which have to do with terms of thirty days.