These defects do not affect the plant's ability to produce clean safe water but had implications for its long term viability.
While ratings were always decent there was concern of the long term viability of the country format.
These failures have also called into question the area's long term viability as a major shopping district, especially concerning the major department stores.
However, this is crucial to any movement having long term viability.
But land use practices inhibited the long term viability of this indigenous forestry industry.
Even then, the long term viability is a problem given that many vehicles last more than a decade or see heavy daily use.
The present small population of 100 extant trees are vulnerable to long term viability.
This is rather a long time to fail to make any progress on an issue, which threatens the long term viability of our society.
The magazine still exists, under a new editor, but health concerns have led to worries over the publication's long term viability.
Somehow I don't see the long term viability of this.