They are solitary feeders within the terminal segments of the stem of their host plant.
Therefore, some gene loss from the terminal segment could be responsible for the manifestation of epilepsy in ring chromosome 20 syndrome.
Haller's organ is a minute cavity at the terminal segment of the first pair of a tick's legs.
Before the clamp connection is formed this terminal segment contains two nuclei (depicted as green and orange circles in Figure 3).
Once the terminal segment is long enough it begins to form the clamp connection.
They are solitary feeders in the terminal segments of the host plant, where they hollow out a large cell.
The name refers to the unringed nature of maxillary palp's terminal segment in the adults.
In crustaceans, the dactylus is the seventh and terminal segment of their thoracic appendages.
The 10th segment is usually distinct and forms the terminal segment in the higher orders.
The first two segments are densely scaled and may be hirsute; the terminal segment is bare.