The game was produced until November 10, 2008, when Topps terminated the game company's operations.
In May 2012, SemBioSys terminated its operations.
The Azerbaijanis formally terminated their operations and handed over their mission to the Iraqis on December 4, 2008.
The company terminated their operations in the San Francisco area in the mid-1990s and the Nokomis was abandoned in a derelict condition.
In Fiscal Year 2007-2008 appropriations, the Commission received limited funding and instructions to terminate its operations.
If a service provider terminates its operations, the entity shall notify the Copyright Office by certified or registered mail.
The company terminated its operations.
Among other closures Servel (which produced refrigerators) went out of business and Chrysler terminated its local operations.
The manner in which a force terminates its operations often influences the public perception of the campaign's success.
However, they decided to terminate their operations with the Fokker 50, and thus also serving Andenes, to concentrate their efforts on becoming a low-cost carrier.