He was terminated following the Longhorns' 9-15 season in his fourth year.
However, this link to gold, which dates from the 1920s, was terminated on 1 May 2000 following a referendum.
In reality, Dean's contract was terminated following irreconcilable differences with the show's producers.
A. Cook's loan was arranged for six months, but was terminated early following a serious injury.
Lukwiya's case was joined with their other defendants until proceedings against him were terminated following the confirmation of his death.
These services were terminated following the closure of Air Ceylon in 1978.
The Soviet air bridge terminated in May 1962, following the armistice of the 10th.
His contract was terminated, following a disciplinary hearing, in February 2011.
Their contracts were terminated by Rochdale on 21 January 2013 following a poor run in form.
Whereas most agents would have been terminated following such an incident, Palinov is spared.