He motioned toward a slight rise between dark boulders and above one of the scattered termite hills.
They took cover from rifle and mortar fire within the trees and termite hills.
A quick start: To collect termites with your stick, first identify the termite hill (Illustration A).
Lot of businesses in my district losing customers to that termite hill.
Because of them, we're closer, much closer, to shutting down that termite hill.
Have you ever seen an African termite hill?
Three days later I found myself standing on top of a termite hill staring at another termite hill through binoculars.
Kes Hillman-Smith took over from me on the termite hill and scanned the horizon.
Look, kids, under the loose rules of this termite hill I can unedopt you this minute, if such be your wish.
Then he understood what the urban theologian had been about, deifying this termite hill.