The remains of three structures were found on the mound, one on the top level and two on the terrace level.
The hotel features an open swimming pool on the second-floor terrace level.
Jack took the escalator up two flights and got off at the terrace level, where the party was in full swing.
Would it make it to the terrace level?
As they finally reached the terrace level, lights were already beginning to augment the dimming day and illuminate the broad courtyard.
At least from the terrace level which was, at the moment, all they could reach.
She had begun to descend to the sled's terrace level now, moving deliberately and never taking her eyes from the giff.
Situated on the terrace level were the homes and other structures used by his wives and attendants.
There are three terrace levels, two with maximum elevations 55 m and 40 m, the third being lower.
We shan't leave anything to chance, however, Sunny, Lars went on as they climbed to the last terrace level.