The pink legs are long and strong, reflecting this bird's terrestrial lifestyle.
Caerorhachis is thought to have had a primarily terrestrial lifestyle.
Most members of the clade were highly adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle.
The legs are paler than Dusky's, and the feet look large, reflecting the more terrestrial lifestyle of this warbler.
Like all trematopids, Fedexia was well adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle.
All of these temnospondyls were adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle.
This is not the case in metoposaurids, meaning that as their bodies grew larger they became less adapted toward a terrestrial lifestyle.
This implies similar adaptations to the terrestrial lifestyle, but not a close phylogenetic relationship.
Karenites has long limb bones that indicate a fully terrestrial rather than aquatic lifestyle.
The rockfowl's thighs are very muscular and aid its partially terrestrial lifestyle.