The pinnula (sighting vanes) may then be pointed to a terrestrial object and its bearing read from the angle scale.
Such was his predilection for things of immediate and certain utility that even in the sciences he favoured only such as applied to terrestrial objects.
When it is close to the horizon, it is easier to compare the moon with terrestrial objects.
Jan had spent several hours here, talking into a recording device while the Overlords presented various terrestrial objects to him.
Speed, weight and resistance: The ideal speed of a terrestrial object is directly proportional to its weight.
With your telescope, you should be able to see the moon and some star clusters as well as terrestrial objects (i.e. birds).
This includes direct sunlight, diffuse sky radiation, and (often) both of these reflected from the Earth and terrestrial objects.
It's the period that begins about 30 minutes before sunrise, when the sun is six degrees below the horizon, and terrestrial objects can be clearly distinguished.
In this second sense of weight, terrestrial objects can be weightless.
Commonly used term for residing terrestrial objects is surveying.