When the strange fact came to be known, there was a terrible commotion in the palace.
"It will mean a terrible commotion," interposed Thomas Jocelyn nervously.
The pack sounds took on a terrible commotion of frenzied yelps, but nothing more from Kwuteg.
Jam began to wonder if there were any savage animals living in this jungle, when sud- denly the group heard a terrible commotion ahead of them.
Then a terrible commotion was set up within me.
Twenty minutes later, Joan and Eleanor made a terrible commotion along the far wall, about fifty meters from the entrance.
There was a terrible commotion outside, men running and yelling -" Cardona's hand plunged into his pocket, drew something out.
Then there was a terrible commotion.
There followed another terrible commotion, and the high-pitched voice of the Castrate, talking through that hole in its face.