From the flames of this fire* a huge and almost transparent form arose, while the five prostrate figures went into terrible convulsions.
I saw the old man throw up his arms, a terrible convulsion passed over his grim face, and he fell back in his chair.
At last, with one final terrible convulsion, the serpent lay still.
The mighty wings raked the air in one last terrible convulsion.
That Atlantis perished in a terrible convulsion of nature, in which the whole island sunk into the ocean, with nearly all its inhabitants.
He gasped and clawed at his throat as terrible convulsions racked his body.
Another terrible convulsion took her, and she screamed in the agony of it.
The Secession itself had created a terrible convulsion for the Empire.
M. Musette's body heaved and shook in terrible convulsions.
What a terrible convulsion of nature was that which followed in the landlady's face!