It was the most terrible curse I could think of.
She could not have imagined a more terrible curse for a son of the Empire, he thought numbly.
It comprises 47 books, which follow a family for generations from the 16th century until present day as they battle a terrible curse.
She seemed like such a nice girl, burdened with such a terrible curse.
Not since the dark days when the royal family was murdered and the kingdom put under a terrible curse.
But it continued from one room to the next - terrible curses, and not a word about the installation or anything.
It's still about a 3,000-year-old Egyptian corpse that comes to life, complete with terrible curse.
It was a terrible curse of mine that I would pine for things even while they were happening.
It was a terrible curse, and the full weight of it did not fall on us for some weeks.
"For a man, these days, that be a terrible curse."