His family suffered terrible devastation during the Holocaust, 37 of its 42 members have been killed by Ustaše.
Nineteen terrorists successfully hijacked four commercial airplanes that morning and wrought terrible devastation with them.
Tears came unbidden to her eyes, and a terrible devastation wrenched at her.
"No one should have any doubts about the terrible devastation that guns can cause," Mr. Bloomberg said.
Do you not remember the terrible devastation that gripped our tiny village just a scant few years ago?
Heinrich Schwarz walked through the terrible devastation of the zoo.
What possible motivation would our allies have to inflict such terrible devastation upon us?
He showed that moments of terrible devastation can bring out courage.
What we have in this document is a fair and balanced report on the terrible devastation and suffering the disease brought to my country.
Thus they managed to sneak unnoticed to the Russian border and wreak terrible devastation.