It is a terrible disgrace.
It surrendered to the Samnite Gavius Pontius, who forced its soldiers to pass beneath the yoke, a terrible disgrace.
It was a terrible disgrace, how the tribe treated him.
Yet it was plain to be seen she had involved Mother in some terrible disgrace.
It was a terrible disgrace to his family, and worse for him, for although he is a man grown, he is given no more responsibility than a babe in napkins.
All for nothing because of an ambitious civil servant who was having him die, not with honor, as he had dreamed, but in terrible disgrace.
And though it is only after death that my body is to be burnt, it will always be a terrible disgrace on my memory.
And it would be a terrible disgrace for all your family if the truth should come out.
The eagle standard was the most important possession of the legion and its loss was a terrible disgrace.
Such a terrible disgrace.