It gives me a terrible psychosomatic itch.
I felt a terrible itch in my belly button and then la Gorda plummeted down to the ground at top speed, but instead of crashing she came to a soft, total halt.
She was sweating badly, and there was a terrible itch at the base of her spine.
As he goes he rubs the tops of his arms as though his skin has a terrible itch upon it.
And well he remembered the terrible itch, and how Zacharias used to scrape off the hair-like thorns with a knife when Zach had first fallen foul of prickly pears.
They were looking down, looking over the canal, and he didn't dare raise his head, though the need to know was like a terrible itch, like nettle-rash of the mind.
She got a terrible itch, making her fidgety uncomfortable.
Along the left dorsal, a terrible itch.
Perhaps, he mused, when this endgame was all over and done with-when he'd collected his debts in blood, dread and night-then maybe he'd lose the terrible itch that tormented him day and night, that drove him on without hope of peace to new ambitions and new betrayals.