At a certain period of his past life a terrible misfortune fell upon him.
Was that the cruelty of the Balance - or just his own terrible misfortune?
Thus, our calling as dream hunters can bring unimaginable benefit or terrible misfortune.
"There's been a terrible misfortune with a brother playwright," he said with pleasure.
What might he not have accomplished for his people had this terrible misfortune not overtaken him!
Care is taken not to skip anyone for that means terrible misfortune or even death the following year.
The myth is telling that children born with red eyes will bring terrible misfortune, such as death and destruction, which in this case actually happens.
"This would be a terrible misfortune for music," he said.
On a river barrier only one man has to be asleep and a terrible misfortune can happen.
Alan also gets little sympathy even when he's had terrible misfortunes befall him.