Such a course could easily expose the whole of Quraysh to terrible peril.
If now Samson refused to bend to them, then the old man was in terrible peril.
"So we will go on, and trust in the luck that has kept him well for so long a time in all the moments of terrible peril."
The warrior thought of the woman in pain on the Serpent, and of the terrible perils facing his people.
These were dire matters, and fraught with terrible perils.
Could it be, perhaps, that he was in some terrible peril, maybe even a prisoner of the CCD?
We're in terrible peril, Yigal, and you want to fight over a little farm.
Virginia, you must be mad to consider for a moment remaining within reach of such a terrible peril.
He knew she was innocent of wrongdoing, and in terrible peril.
The vacant place in his stomach was a distended bag warning him of terrible peril.