With the vividness of one preparing to die, he reviewed the highlights of his sentient life with pain and a terrible yearning.
That terrible yearning for love was what drove him to seek his lost father through all the terrors of space.
In thunderclaps of dumb ecstasy he saw her whole gigantic fabric, leaning and clamouring upward with terrible yearning.
Leaning against the poles of the fence, Garrick watched him with an expression of terrible yearning.
Alvin felt a terrible yearning for his son.
He was struck, however, by the intensity in Jake's voice, and the terrible yearning in the boy's wide brown eyes.
It made her heart speed and spin and then a terrible yearning began.
He had such a terrible yearning to love something again, and the dog was such a beautifully ugly dog.
I thought: He would be a year older than my daughter, and the terrible yearning was back with me.
And you have a terrible, unbearable yearning to help.